What Happens When You Contact a Medium? What to Expect



To contact a loved one who has passed over, contact a medium. If you’ve seen mediums on television or accompanied a friend to see a medium, you may have some idea of what will happen. But to help you get even more prepared, here’s a look at what to expect and a few details about how the process works for a cold reading.


1. Many mediums do a cold reading.


Some mediums may want to know basic details, such as your age or birthday. Others prefer to do a cold reading; they’re even comfortable with you using a friend’s name when you book the appointment. Then, you can rest assured that they haven’t looked up your information online. If you have a preference, before you contact medium reading, try to find out if it does cold readings.


2. Distance does not matter.


Mediums work with spiritual energy. They communicate with souls trapped on earth and people who have crossed over. As a result, they don’t necessarily need to be next to the client. You can work with a medium in person, but you can also contact a medium reading specialist over the phone for a reading. The phone may be a perfect option if you live in a remote area.


3. You may need to try a few mediums for your cold reading.


Like in any profession, mediums have different personalities and various abilities tied to their mediumship. Additionally, some spirits may be more comfortable with one affordable medium reading than another.

If you’ve ever gone to therapy, you know that counsellors aren’t one-size-fits-all, and in some cases, you have to meet with several therapists before you find the right fit. That can also be true of mediums, another reason you may want to meet with a few over the phone.


4. Mediums have different abilities.


As indicated above, having the best online medium readings use different ways to communicate with the spirits. Some affordable medium reading may have all those abilities but use different strengths to communicate with other spirits. Here are one of the most common abilities which include but are not limited to the following:


  • Clairvoyant — These mediums see images that the spirits show them.
  • Clairaudient — This term refers to clear hearing, and mediums with this ability can hear messages from loved ones who have crossed. They can often share details about names, places, pet names, or other private information your loved one knows.
  • Clairsentient—Mediums can use clairsentience to feel emotions or injuries. For instance, if they are trying to communicate with someone who died of a heart attack, the medium may feel some pain in their chest as they receive that message.
  • Clairambient — The best online medium readings can sense information about smells or other environmental elements by seeing ambience.


5. An open mind is essential for a cold reading.


You should go into a reading with a medium with an open mind. If you are fearful or closed off, you may not be able to receive the messages. Your fear may convince you to reject some messages. The people with you can also impact your reading — if they are too cynical, that may disrupt some communication between the medium and the spirits.


6. Your medium can let you know how they conduct the cold reading session.


Before you start the reading, feel free to ask the medium how it works. They can let you know exactly what to expect during your time together. A simple outline of the medium’s process can be soothing for many clients.


The Bottom Line


You might anticipate encountering the spirits of departed loved ones when you consult a medium. As a first step, the medium usually establishes an environment of mutual respect and tranquillity. After that, they could talk about what they’ve received from the afterlife, usually with specifics to back up their claims. Recognising that everyone’s journey is different and having reasonable expectations can help maximise your session. A cold reading session can help you overcome your loss and find peace by providing closure, answers about the afterlife, and consolation.


Give Us A Call Now


To learn more and to set up a session with a medium for your cold reading, contact Aliz’s Psychics today. We can connect you with various mediums.